Coconut oil is such a versatile food product that it doesn’t only have to be used in the production of cosmetics or as a raw ingredient. It can also be used to make baked desserts during the different holidays.

Fudge Brownies – Fudge Brownies are a delicious chocolate treat that works for any party. What most people don’t realise is that coconut oil can be used in place of butter for a healthier and lighter dessert. Although, brownies have milk in it, they can’t be considered vegan although it’s a healthy version of the food.

Scones – Scones are perfect for breakfast parties. They are also perfect for tea parties if you aren’t interested in throwing parties that have stacks of food for your guests. The coconut versions of these scones are vegan and gluten free. Instead of milk and butter you can use coconut oil and coconut milk. Using gluten free flour will achieve a gluten free delicacy.

Banana Bread – This bread is sweeter and easier to consume because of the slight sweetness in the dough. Using coconut oil instead of the butter in these recipes will give you a healthier and tastier version of your favourite dessert bread.

Did you know that you can also make no-bake desserts with coconut oil? This means that you can consume it in its raw form and make tasty desserts. No-bake desserts usually don’t have eggs or flour in it either since both ingredients have to be baked.

Coconut oil sets very quickly especially in cold temperatures and won’t liquefy unless it is warmed up in a microwave. Your desserts can, therefore, remain in its set form for longer without melting into a blob.

As you know, coconut oil has the same consistency as sunflower, palm, canola and olive oil. In most recipes you will notice that if it does not state to use butter it might state that you can use sunflower oil. This is because both ingredients work in the same way as the other. The components that make up these ingredients allow dry ingredients to mix better and prevent sticking to bowls and trays. Coconut oil works the same way as butter or sunflower oil. It also has a tastier texture that allows other contrasting ingredients to pop.

When looking for healthier recipes, always look for something that you think you will enjoy. The easiest way to do this is by choosing ingredients that are not taboo to you and ingredients you have tasted previously.