Restaurants prepare a lot of food which means that they tend to use a lot of deep frying oil. For applications such as this it is better for them to consider buying in bulk to ensure that their costs are kept as low as possible without compromising on the quality of their dishes. Although there are different options available, Supa Fry Oil has many advantages that makes it the ideal deep frying liquid for restaurants.
Supa Fry Oil is a premium blended oil that is triple refined and is a 100% pure deep frying fat. It has a blend of ingredients that include sunflower, corn, canola and palmolein. It is a high quality product that is quite reliable therefore it is perfect for restaurants and take away establishments.
It contains antioxidants that enhance the life span of the oil and it contains antifoam which prevents excessive foaming. Restaurants can store it and be assured that it still remains fresh and retains its quality for a long time. This is especially useful since you can get Supa Fry Oil in a large 20 litre jerry can. However, you need to store it in the proper conditions to ensure its longevity. It is best to store it in cool conditions and away from direct sunlight or a heat source. If the storage conditions are ideal, you can store it in a sealed container for 24 months from the date of production.
Physically in appearance, Supa Fry Oil is a clear brilliant yellow and is free from foreign odours and flavours. In addition, this product has undergone quality testing to ensure that it is a reliable product. During the frying test it proved to have no objectionable smell or odour when it is heated to 180 degrees Celsius. The foam test result is negative, so there is no foam during cooking. Insoluble impurities only amounted to 0.1% maximum.
Supa Fry Oil is quite versatile in its applications therefore it is great to use when cooking, baking, frying, roasting and in salads. It is high in polyunsaturates and is low in cholesterol, plus it contains omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore it is a healthier option because of its quality blend.
Supa Fry Oil is quality cooking oil that is ideal for restaurants and take away establishments that require a versatile and reliable edible oil product. After all, with the right quality ingredients, your dishes will outshine the rest.
Our core focus at Golden Fry is to provide specially customized products and services to Restaurants, Take-Aways, Food Manufacturers, Caterers, Wholesalers, Supermarkets and Spaza Shops. We are an approved used oil collector that supplies Biodiesel to businesses.
Our Range includes: Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Soya Oil and Blended Oil.